Our Jounery

Since the dawn of great empires “Talent” has been a
crucial factor in its visioning, planning, executing,
building, enhancing, developing, sustaining and survival,
evolving side by side the civilization.
And with the new era of technology new frontiers have
been opened urging the the stake holders in the market
specially HRians to not only cope with but to recognize
itself as a new frontier.
Here comes Egypt’s role – the leading African country in
many fields specially HR & Business development with
the largest in population across the middle east to be a
virtue more than an urging need to lead the MENA region
across the new ERA of HR.
Therefore the search has been edging for a HUB that can
develop all the six stakeholders of the various industry
where the linked factor will be the TALENT.
It was then when T-HUB came to life.
As a result of the founders’ background working as
Business development & HR consultants, Trainers,
and Reconstruction experts for companies -starting
from startups, conglomerates, governmental,
educational till civil work- across the various industries
we established this longed for HUB and Called it THUB,
to be centralized on Talent as one of its
fundamental pillars
Which developed to make us the SMART JOINT across the
various industries across the MENA region between all its